Selected Publications
McGinn, M. M., McFarland, P. T., & Christensen, A. (2009). Antecedents and consequences of demand/withdraw. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(5), 749-757. doi: 10.1037/a0016185
McGinn, M. M., Benson, L. A., & Christensen, A. (2010). Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: An acceptance-based approach to improving relationship functioning. In J. Herbert & E. Forman (Eds.), Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Benson, L. A., McGinn, M. M., & Christensen, A. (2012). Common principles of couple therapy. Behavior Therapy, 43(1), 25-35.doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2010.12.009
Robles, T. F., Slatcher, R. B., Trombello, J., & McGinn, M. (2012). Marital quality and health: A quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin. doi: 10.1037/a0031859
Caska-Wallace, C. M., Katon, J. G., Lehavot, K., McGinn, M. M., & Simpson, T. L. (2016). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptom severity and relationship functioning among partnered heterosexual and lesbian women Veterans. LGBT Health. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2015.0097
Painter, J. M., Gray, K., McGinn, M. M., Moustoufi, S., & Hoerster, K. D. (2016). The relationships of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms with health-related quality of life and the role of social support among Veterans. Quality of Life Research, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s11136-016-1295-5
McGinn, M. M., Hoerster, K. D., Stryczek, K. C., Malte, C. A., & Jakupcak, M. (2016). Relationship satisfaction, PTSD symptom severity, and mental healthcare utilization among OEF/OIF Veterans. Journal of Family Psychology. doi: 10.1037/fam0000224
Wrape, E. R., & McGinn, M. M. (2018). Clinical and ethical considerations for delivering couple and family therapy via telehealth. Journal of marital and family therapy. doi:10.1111/jmft.12319
Caver, K. A., Shearer, E. M., Burks, D. J., Perry, K., De Paul, N. F., McGinn, M. M., Felker, B. L. (2019). Telemental health training in the Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System. Journal of Clinical Psychology. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22797
Rojas, S. M., Carter, S. P., McGinn, M., Reger, M. A. (2019). Telemental health as a modality to deliver suicide-specific interventions. Telemedicine & e-Health, 26(6):700-709. doi:10.1089/tmj.2019.0083.
McGinn, M. M., Roussev, M. S., Shearer, E. M., McCann, R. A., Rojas, S. M., & Felker, B. L. (2019). Recommendations for using clinical video telehealth with patients at high risk for suicide. Psychiatric Clinics, 42(4), 587-595. doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2019.08.009
Rothman, K., Cicila, L. N., McGinn, M., Hatch, S. G., Christensen, A., & Doss, B. D. (2021). Trajectories of sexual satisfaction and frequency during and after couple therapy for relationship distress. Journal of sex & marital therapy, 47(3), 209-223. doi: 10.1080/0092623X.2020.1850575
Felker, B. L., McGinn, M. M., Shearer, E. M., Raza, G. T., Gold, S. D., Kim, J. M., Rojas, S.M., Roussev, M.S., Varkovitzky, R.L., Liu H., Morrison K.L.& McCann, R. A. (2021). Implementation of a telemental health training program across a mental health department. Telemedicine Reports, 2(1), 26-31. doi: 10.1089/tmr.2020.0011